Lukia Image book

Lukia Image book


Kata Bay : One of the best natural harbor in Japan

July 7, 2010
Takahama to Kata bay : 89 nautical miles

10:45 Depart from NPT Marina Takahama
17:00 Kata Bay

We departed for Owase Sea Side View Hotel in Kata Bay. Mr. Hamada a manager of NTP marina informed us.
It was rainy day. On the off shore of Cape Daio big waves(about 2m) come to us sometimes. We kept 8-9 knots cautiously.

Lots of fishing nets are spread anywhere near the shore. For avoiding nets we cruised on the three miles off shore.

 15:00 Kumanonada

At 19:00 we reached Kata bay which is a naturally shaped like a human outline. The narrow throat of the bay stop the wave invading, the mountain surround the bay block winds, There is no wave in the bay.  It is ultra safe to moor the boat in this bay.

The pontoon of Owase Sea Side View Hotel
Like mirror surface

Sun set

If we were not informed this hotel by Mr. Hamada, we never come here. Mami favorite this hotel and said to the madam of this hotel,
"One more stay OK?"

The cook was delicous of course. There is a famous "Kumano old road" 400m away from this hotel. The road is conected with Ise-Shrine which is the top shrine in Japan.

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